You are here: AgileShapes > Miscellaneous > PDF Converter

PDF Converter

This AgileShape can be used to automatically convert multiple formatted files to PDF files. In this version only files in the file system can be converted.


Design-Time Properties

NOTE: Since this AgileShape is a specialized sub-type of the AgilePart AgileShape, all of the standard properties supported by the AgilePart AgileShape are also supported by this AgileShape. Since they are already documented elsewhere, the standard AgilePart properties are not documented in this section. Refer to the documentation for the AgilePart AgileShape for information about the standard AgilePart properties. Additional design-time properties (other than the standard AgilePart properties) that are specific to this AgileShape are documented below.



The destination (folder and file path) for the file output.


Destination Repository

Default value: FileSystem

The repository of the destination file.


Default value: All

The Filter window is used to filter file types that will be converted to PDF. If the source is a folder, then only the specified file types will be converted.



Default value: False

Specifies whether existing files at the destination will be overwritten.





Default value: False

Specifies the recursive behavior from the source folder.





The source file or folder.


Source Repository

Default value: FileSystem

The repository of the source file.